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Depositphotos 146952085 m 2015

Testosterone Discount Lab Tests

How to Read Your Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)Have you ever wondered what the numbers and complicated words on your blood tests mean? In...

Testosterone and Acne: What You Need to Know

Testosterone and Acne: What You Need to Know Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the prescribed treatment for men with low testosterone levels. It has become...
Depositphotos 175122544 m 2015

How to Inject Testosterone Safely

In this video the folks from Defy Medical show how to safely inject testosterone in the glutes.   The following information was taken from the book:...
Depositphotos 17503693 m 2015

Nelson Vergel Speaks to Paul Burguess from the UK about Testosterone Therapy in the...

I enjoyed this interview with Paul Burguess from the UK. His site is  
Depositphotos 24400669 m 2015

Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX

Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis....