Tag: testosterone doctors

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What Every Man Should Know About HCG, Testosterone and Testicular Size.

What Every Man Should Know About HCG, Testosterone and Testicular Size. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for a man's health. While most people...
Depositphotos 91247904 m 2015

Comparison of Testosterone Clinics in the United States

For a comparison of cash-based testosterone clinics in the United States, please visit: https://www.lowtestosterone.org/find-a-clinic/ This table summarizes the differences between men's health testosterone clinics on the...
Depositphotos 82908474 m 2015

Nelson Vergel’s Top 10 Testosterone Commandments

1.Have reasonable expectations. Testosterone is not a magic bullet. 2.Do not fall prey to testosterone booster scams. 3.Do not obsess about estradiol without testing it with...
Depositphotos 106978760 m 2015

The Adrenal/Thyroid Connection

Mary Shomon: How is proper adrenal function related to a thyroid problem? Drs. Shames: A major connection exists between low thyroid and low adrenal. Low...
Depositphotos 124360064 m 2015

Video: How to Inject Trimix

Trimix is a mixture of two prostaglandins (phentolamine and alprostadil) plus papaverine (a vasodilator medication) that increase blood flow to the penis and cause...