Tag: nelson vergel

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Depositphotos 102402410 m 2015

Practical Exercise Tips

There are many benefits of exercise . Beside the evident improved self-image, energy levels, and mental outlook, several research studies have found the following...

Insurance insiders say AI has not met expectations yet but still holds future potential

Viewpoint: Balancing the opportunities and risks of generative AI :: Insurance Day Thanks to these capabilities, AI offers insurers significant benefits, including increased efficiency, cost...
Depositphotos 91247904 m 2015

Comparison of Testosterone Clinics in the United States

For a comparison of cash-based testosterone clinics in the United States, please visit: https://www.lowtestosterone.org/find-a-clinic/ This table summarizes the differences between men's health testosterone clinics on the...
Depositphotos 167498118 m 2015

Interview with Lee Myer, Author of “Natural vs Testosterone Therapy”

This is an interview with my good friend Lee Myer, founder of PeakTestosterone.com and author of "Natural vs Testosterone Therapy". Lee has been a...
Depositphotos 7716939 m 2015

Beyond Testosterone: Interview with Dr. Lynese Lawson

PART 1 Nelson: Hello everybody, Nelson Vergel here with ExcelMale.com. I'm very happy to have Dr. Lawson from the Washington DC area. She's a long...