Tag: HDL

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Depositphotos 7716939 m 2015

Beyond Testosterone: Interview with Dr. Lynese Lawson

PART 1 Nelson: Hello everybody, Nelson Vergel here with ExcelMale.com. I'm very happy to have Dr. Lawson from the Washington DC area. She's a long...
Depositphotos 40320855 m 2015

Video: Testosterone in Women: Friend or Enemy ?

Allison Woodworth speaks about the facts and misconceptions of testosterone in women. Email her at [email protected] for more information on how to get your...
erectile dysfunction

When Testosterone Doesn’t Lead to Better Erections

Excerpt from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning...
Depositphotos 98225802 m 2015

Responses of Different Doses of Testosterone Injections on Body Composition, Strength, etc.

Comment: 125 mg per week was the lowest dose that provided statistically significant changes in lean body mass and fat mass. PAPER ATTACHED Testosterone dose-response relationships...

Blood Test to Measure Efficacy of HCG in Men

The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) increases blood levels of testosterone but, surprisingly, it decreases the level of testosterone inside the testicles (Intratesticular...