Tag: ED blood flow

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Depositphotos 30164693 m 2015

Overcoming Challenges in Weight Management

In this video, Dr. Justin Saya explains the challenges in weight loss management and the different therapies used to treat obesity.
Depositphotos 109929648 m 2015

Flawed Testosterone Studies Fuel Concerns and Lawsuits

A study published at the end of 2013 and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens...
Depositphotos 88918762 m 2015

Are You Tired Even With Normal Testosterone? Adrenal Fatigue May Be the Problem.

Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms called a functional somatic syndrome where there are imbalances that cause the reserve present in...
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Order Blood Tests Online Using DiscountedLabs.com

At DiscountedLabs.com we pride ourselves in offering not only the most affordable blood test prices but also educational information to help you take charge of...
Depositphotos 32817757 m 2015

Comprehensive Evaluation of Erectile Function: Interview with Dr. Lisbeth Roy

Nelson Vergel, the founder of ExcelMale.com, DiscountedLabs.com, and ClinicOptimizers.com, interviews Dr. Lisbeth Roy, a functional physician in Boca Raton, Florida. She is an expert...