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Depositphotos 52492703 m 2015

NAC Benefits: HDL and More

NAC does not cause rash or flushing as Niacin. Men on high doses of testosterone have low HDL. Pharmacol Res. 1993 Oct-Nov;28(3):213-8. Dose-related increase of HDL-cholesterol...
erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Treatments

Facts, Causes, and Management Options of Erectile Dysfunction
Depositphotos 11637248 m 2015

Post PCT Bloodwork

This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the...
trt testosterone blood pressure

High Blood Pressure and Water Retention on Testosterone ( TRT )

Before you start testosterone replacement TRT, it is very important to get your blood pressure under control. This is done through diet, stress management, lowering your salt intake or the use of blood pressure medications. TRT can increase water retention and blood pressure during the first weeks of treatment.
Depositphotos 55301609 m 2015

Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices in Management

This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) https://www.aua2015.org/webcasts/webc...&agendaid=7907 TRANSCRIPTION: Speaker 1: So without further ado, I'd like...