Tag: dhea

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Depositphotos 167498118 m 2015

Interview with Lee Myer, Author of “Natural vs Testosterone Therapy”

This is an interview with my good friend Lee Myer, founder of PeakTestosterone.com and author of "Natural vs Testosterone Therapy". Lee has been a...
Depositphotos 67970543 m 2015

15 Things that Will Kill Your Erections- By Lee Myers

As I often state, an erection is actually a very complex phyical process that involves multiple bodily systems. This is why optimal general health...
Depositphotos 100468296 m 2015

What is a Normal Blood Level of Testosterone?

Normal values may vary from lab to lab depending on what reference range they use. Your doctor will have your test results in one...
Depositphotos 142308800 m 2015

DHT Gel Effectively Treats Gynecomastia in HIV + Men

Successful Percutaneous Dihydrotestosterone Treatment of Gynecomastia Occurring during Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy: Four Cases and a Review of the Literature Abstract Fourteen cases of gynecomastia occurring...
compounded hair loss products

Testosterone and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

Testosterone and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is one of the most effective methods for treating hypogonadism, erectile and...