Tag: adenomas

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Depositphotos 107523816 m 2015

Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

Endocr Rev, Vol. 34 (03_MeetingAbstracts): MON-594 Evaluation of the efficacy of subcutaneous administration of testosterone in female to male transexuals and hypogonadal males FDA-approved indications for...
Depositphotos 138210650 m 2015

Effect of DHT on Prostate and Sexual Function: Review of Studies

Benefits associated with lowered serum DHT levels after 5α-reductase inhibitor (5AR-I) therapy in men have contributed to a misconception that circulating DHT levels are...
Depositphotos 167654776 m 2015

The Most Common Error in Blood Pressure Measurement

The most common error in blood pressure measurement is use of inappropriate cuff size. Considerable overestimation can occur if the cuff is too small....
Depositphotos 60338509 m 2015

Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr. Charles Glueck

In my work collecting information for ExcelMale.com, I review abstracts daily on latest studies related to testosterone, men's health, nutrition, and more. I am...
Depositphotos 106944076 m 2015

Thyroid Tests and What They Mean

From Auburn University. THYROID FUNCTION TESTS Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) assay measures the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in the serum. TSH...