Are You Tired Even With Normal Testosterone? Adrenal Fatigue May Be...

Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms called a functional somatic syndrome where there are imbalances that cause the reserve present in...

DHEA Supplementation: What Do Studies Show?

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) DHEA is a steroid prohormone produced by the adrenal glands and transformed in target tissue through intracrine mechanisms to androgens or estrogens. Plasma...

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?   DHEA is a steroid prohormone produced by the adrenal glands and transformed in target tissue to androgens or estrogens. Plasma...

Sex Hormone Synthesis, Regulation, and Function

The hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis Sex hormone synthesis is controlled by the pulsatile release of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) At the pituitary gland, GnRH stimulates the release...

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Video: Low Thyroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Allison Woodworth (from explains the main symptoms, diagnosis tests and therapies to treat low thyroid function.  
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Video Lecture: hCG Use in Men- Review of Studies by Nelson Vergel

Nelson Vergel, co-founder of, founder of and, and author of the book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide", reviews current data on the...
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Oral Growth Hormone Enhancer MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Feb;83(2):362-9. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and...
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Should We Not Worry About Decreased HDL Caused by Higher-Dose Testosterone Replacement?

Higher dose testosterone can decrease HDL. Click here for background information: Why does testosterone therapy decrease HDL cholesterol in some men? HDL (High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol) particles...

Prolactin: Should Men with ED Be Tested ?

Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is known for supporting lactation in women but also have many other functions on...