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Dr. Eugene Shippen Lectures About HRT in Women
Nelson Vergel -
Dr. Eugene Shippen is one of the most respected physicians in hormone replacement for men and women. Here he is lecturing to physicians at one...
Antioxidants for the Treatment of Male Infertility: An Overview
Almost 15% of all couples trying to conceive are affected by infertility, and in almost half of these cases male infertility is the sole...
Testosterone, HDL and cardiovascular risk in men: the jury is still out
Testosterone, HDL and cardiovascular risk in men: the jury is still out
Page, Stephanie T, and Katya B Rubinow. "Testosterone, HDL and cardiovascular risk in...
Is Estradiol a Friend or Enemy of Men?
Is Estradiol a Friend or Enemy of Men?
Estradiol is a very important sex hormone--in fact, it's the primary female sex hormone. It plays a...
Oral Growth Hormone Enhancer MK-677 (Ibutamoren)
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Feb;83(2):362-9.
Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and...