Why Sleep is Anabolic

SLEEP IS ANABOLIC Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, M.D. There are a lot of factors that impact on body composition including the two that are...

The TSH Reference Range Wars: What’s “Normal?”, Who is Wrong, Who...

There is ongoing controversy about whether reliance on the TSH test -- to the exclusion of clinical symptoms and other tests such as Free...

Low Free T3 Can Increase Cardiovascular Disease

Low serum free triiodothyronine levels are associated with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease in the euthyroid patients: an observational study. Ertaş F,...

Video: Low Thyroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Allison Woodworth (from PrimeBody.com) explains the main symptoms, diagnosis tests and therapies to treat low thyroid function.  

Fatigue- When Testosterone Is Not Enough

Taken from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide by Nelson Vergel If no improvements in fatigue are observed after 6 weeks of testosterone replacement, factors...

Thyroid Tests and What They Mean

From Auburn University. THYROID FUNCTION TESTS Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) assay measures the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in the serum. TSH...

Psychiatric Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders

Review Article Psychiatric Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders Full Paper: https://www.heraldopenaccess.us/fullt...rders.php#tab2 ADRENAL: CUSHING’S SYNDROME AND ADDISON’S DISEASE Over the past few decades, a number of authors have found a significant...

Beyond Testosterone: Interview with Dr. Lynese Lawson

PART 1 Nelson: Hello everybody, Nelson Vergel here with ExcelMale.com. I'm very happy to have Dr. Lawson from the Washington DC area. She's a long...

Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine

Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine by Jasen Bruce With the ever increasing price of the brand “Armour Thyroid”, which is a...

The Adrenal/Thyroid Connection

Mary Shomon: How is proper adrenal function related to a thyroid problem? Drs. Shames: A major connection exists between low thyroid and low adrenal. Low...

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