Testosterone Experts Debunk Common Myths

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, an Associate Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA, gives an overview of...

Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption

Most absorption of testosterone in testosterone gels happens during the first 4 hours. The 1.62 % Androgel package insert says this about showering after...

A Doctor Speaks: Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs...

Video: Testosterone Replacement Options

In theory testosterone replacement should approximate the body’s own natural production of the hormone. The average male produces 4 to 7 mg of testosterone...

Where to Find Syringes, ED drugs, Doctors, Supplements, etc

Syringes & alcohol pads (No prescription needed. Mailed to your home) https://www.otcwholesale.com/diabetic-syringes.html https://www.medical-and-lab-supplies....d-needles.html https://www.gpzmedlab.com/store/c/18...th-Needle.aspx https://www.allegromedical.com/syring...e-p563422.html Blood tests (No doctor visit- Most US cities): www.DiscountedLabs.com ED drugs no prescription NOTE FROM NELSON: Please...

What is a Normal Blood Level of Testosterone?

Normal values may vary from lab to lab depending on what reference range they use. Your doctor will have your test results in one...

Video: Testosterone Production, Action, and Symptoms of Hypogonadism

Testosterone production, action, and clinical manifestations of testosterone deficiency. In the male body, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GNRH in a pulsatile fashion...

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally By Nelson Vergel Author Testosterone: A Man's Guide There are several life style, nutritional and other factors that can increase testosterone production by...

Nelson Vergel’s Top 10 Testosterone Commandments

1.Have reasonable expectations. Testosterone is not a magic bullet. 2.Do not fall prey to testosterone booster scams. 3.Do not obsess about estradiol without testing it with...

Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

Endocr Rev, Vol. 34 (03_MeetingAbstracts): MON-594 Evaluation of the efficacy of subcutaneous administration of testosterone in female to male transexuals and hypogonadal males FDA-approved indications for...

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A Doctor Speaks: Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs...
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