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erectile dysfunction

When Testosterone Doesn’t Lead to Better Erections

Excerpt from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning...
dhea pathway 1

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?   DHEA is a steroid prohormone produced by the adrenal glands and transformed in target tissue to androgens or estrogens. Plasma...
Depositphotos 10496910 m 2015

Kidney Function 101

What Is Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance? Creatinine is a waste product that is produced continuously during normal muscle breakdown. The kidneys filter creatinine from the...
testosterone deficiency

Testosterone Blood Tests Types: How to Choose the Correct One

Table of contents A brief introduction to testosterone and its properties/benefits Serum testosterone assays Types of testosterone Types of testosterone assays How is...

Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices

Transcript: Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) Lecture Video TRANSCRIPTION: Speaker 1:...