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Depositphotos 91245426 m 2015

Is the Cystatin- C Kidney Function Test Best for Muscular Men?

Since the concentration of cystatin C in the blood will not change due to infection or inflammation and isn’t affected by body weight, drugs...
pregnenolone progesterone

Pregnenolone: What You Need to Know About this Precursor Hormone

Pregnenolone: What You Need to Know About this Precursor Hormone As the years slip slowly by, our bodies begin to decline. It's an unfortunate truth,...
metformin benefits

Is Metformin a Miracle Anti-Aging Drug?

Is Metformin a Miracle Anti-Aging Drug? Since the discovery of Metformin (way back in 1922), the medication has become one of the most vital medications...
dhea pathway 1

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?   DHEA is a steroid prohormone produced by the adrenal glands and transformed in target tissue to androgens or estrogens. Plasma...
Depositphotos 179018140 m 2015

Anabolic Resistance: Why It Is Harder To Add Muscle Mass As We Age and...

We lose muscle mass and strength as we age. This is known as sarcopenia. Muscle loss could begin in our 30s. Genetics and lifestyle play...