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Depositphotos 11637248 m 2015

Post PCT Bloodwork

This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the...
Depositphotos 167654776 m 2015

The Most Common Error in Blood Pressure Measurement

The most common error in blood pressure measurement is use of inappropriate cuff size. Considerable overestimation can occur if the cuff is too small....
Depositphotos 67970543 m 2015

15 Things that Will Kill Your Erections- By Lee Myers

As I often state, an erection is actually a very complex phyical process that involves multiple bodily systems. This is why optimal general health...
Depositphotos 30164693 m 2015

Overcoming Challenges in Weight Management

In this video, Dr. Justin Saya explains the challenges in weight loss management and the different therapies used to treat obesity.
Depositphotos 76563455 m 2015

Interview with NYC Urologist Dr. Michael Rotman

Michael Rotman, MD, is a board-certified Urologist who offers his patients over two decades of expertise. He graduated from the Mount Sinai School of...