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Practical Exercise Tips

There are many benefits of exercise . Beside the evident improved self-image, energy levels, and mental outlook, several research studies have found the following...
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Low Testosterone Causes and Benefits of Treatment

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: The causes of hypogonadism could be chronic liver disease, COPD, sleep apnea, renal disease, use of different drugs, like I said before: glucocorticoids,...
erectile dysfunction

Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone

From the book Testosterone: A Man's Guide Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone Many people either don’t trust big drug companies or they...

Is Clomid (Clomiphene) Effective to Increase Testosterone, Fertility and Sperm Volume?

I am trying to save many of you time in searching important information in key posts. Here is a list of good posts related...

Prolactin: Should Men with ED Be Tested ?

Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is known for supporting lactation in women but also have many other functions on...