Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Treatments
Nelson Vergel -
Facts, Causes, and Management Options of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Function Optimization: Interview with Nelson Vergel
I know I sound like I'm a broken record, because it made a difference for me. I mean, when I had low testosterone, back in the horrible days, I couldn't even process information. I couldn't talk to my doctor. I couldn't advocate for myself. I was like a doormat. Eventually, obviously, people see the difference, and sometimes that can cause problems.
Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX
Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis....
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This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the...
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Michael Rotman, MD, is a board-certified Urologist who offers his patients over two decades of expertise. He graduated from the Mount Sinai School of...
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Serum vitamin D levels and hypogonadism in men.
Sources of Vitamin D
Lerchbaum E, et al.
Andrology. 2014 Jul 16. doi: 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2014.00247.x.
There is inconsistent evidence on...
Worry Free Erections: Trimix
Worry Free Erections: Trimix
Did you know that erectile dysfunction is a surprisingly common problem among older men? Roughly 5% of men over 40 suffer...
Erectile Function Optimization: Interview with Nelson Vergel
I know I sound like I'm a broken record, because it made a difference for me. I mean, when I had low testosterone, back in the horrible days, I couldn't even process information. I couldn't talk to my doctor. I couldn't advocate for myself. I was like a doormat. Eventually, obviously, people see the difference, and sometimes that can cause problems.