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Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Treatments
Nelson Vergel -
Facts, Causes, and Management Options of Erectile Dysfunction
Responses of Different Doses of Testosterone Injections on Body Composition, Strength, etc.
Comment: 125 mg per week was the lowest dose that provided statistically significant changes in lean body mass and fat mass.
Testosterone dose-response relationships...
Flawed Testosterone Studies Fuel Concerns and Lawsuits
A study published at the end of 2013 and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens...
The Use of HCG to Prevent / Reverse Testicular Shrinkage and Preserve Fertility
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (From the book Testosterone: A Mans Guide,
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (not to be confused with human growth hormone, or HGH)...
Lab Tests: What Do They Mean?
Lab Tests: What Do They Mean?