Water Retention Caused by Anabolics and Testosterone

I think Patrick Arnold makes a great point about a potential mechanism for edema that has nothing to do with elevated estradiol. People familiar with...

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erectile dysfunction

When Testosterone Doesn’t Lead to Better Erections

Excerpt from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning...
Depositphotos 32817757 m 2015

Comprehensive Evaluation of Erectile Function: Interview with Dr. Lisbeth Roy

Nelson Vergel, the founder of ExcelMale.com, DiscountedLabs.com, and ClinicOptimizers.com, interviews Dr. Lisbeth Roy, a functional physician in Boca Raton, Florida. She is an expert...

Is Clomid (Clomiphene) Effective to Increase Testosterone, Fertility and Sperm Volume?

I am trying to save many of you time in searching important information in key posts. Here is a list of good posts related...
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A Doctor Speaks: Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs...
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15 Things that Will Kill Your Erections- By Lee Myers

As I often state, an erection is actually a very complex phyical process that involves multiple bodily systems. This is why optimal general health...