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Nelson Vergel’s Top 10 Testosterone Commandments
Nelson Vergel -
1.Have reasonable expectations. Testosterone is not a magic bullet.
2.Do not fall prey to testosterone booster scams.
3.Do not obsess about estradiol without testing it with...
Why Sleep is Anabolic
Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, M.D.
There are a lot of factors that impact on body composition including the two that are...
Cable Exercises Can Develop Full Body Safely
Some of you know that I prefer cables due to my low back and right hand issues.
Here are a few good cable exercises (short...
Video: How to Inject Trimix
Trimix is a mixture of two prostaglandins (phentolamine and alprostadil) plus papaverine (a vasodilator medication) that increase blood flow to the penis and cause...
Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption
Most absorption of testosterone in testosterone gels happens during the first 4 hours. The 1.62 % Androgel package insert says this about showering after...