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Depositphotos 38970441 m 2015

Monitoring Your Blood Tests While on Testosterone

Before undergoing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it's vital to obtain a number of blood tests. The main blood tests to measure are total and...
testosterone podcast Paul Nelson

Erectile Function Optimization: Interview with Nelson Vergel

I know I sound like I'm a broken record, because it made a difference for me. I mean, when I had low testosterone, back in the horrible days, I couldn't even process information. I couldn't talk to my doctor. I couldn't advocate for myself. I was like a doormat. Eventually, obviously, people see the difference, and sometimes that can cause problems.
Depositphotos 84981914 m 2015

How to Prevent Priapism Caused by Trimix

HOW TO PREVENT PRIAPISM CAUSED BY TRIMIX What is priapism: Priapism is an erection which lasts more than 4 hours and is unrelieved by ejaculation....
Depositphotos 106978760 m 2015

The Adrenal/Thyroid Connection

Mary Shomon: How is proper adrenal function related to a thyroid problem? Drs. Shames: A major connection exists between low thyroid and low adrenal. Low...
dr scally

Interview with Dr. Michael Scally About Optimizing Testosterone Therapy- Part 1

Interview with Dr. Michael Scally About Optimizing Testosterone Therapy- Part 1     Nelson Vergel (NV): Dr. Michael Scally is a well-known expert on men’s health in...