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Depositphotos 10496910 m 2015

Kidney Function 101

What Is Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance? Creatinine is a waste product that is produced continuously during normal muscle breakdown. The kidneys filter creatinine from the...
Depositphotos 52093541 m 2015

Does Testosterone Increase the Chance for a Heart Attack?

"Many healthcare providers hesitate to initiate men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to the belief that these treatments increase the risk of cardiovascular...
Depositphotos 17818633 m 2015

Should We Not Worry About Decreased HDL Caused by Higher-Dose Testosterone Replacement?

Higher dose testosterone can decrease HDL. Click here for background information: Why does testosterone therapy decrease HDL cholesterol in some men? HDL (High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol) particles...
Depositphotos 56143481 m 2015

Low Carb Diet Better Than Low Fat for Weight Loss and Heart

For weight loss and for reducing cardiovascular risk, cutting down on carbs was a more effective strategy than limiting fat intake in a randomized...

Is Clomid (Clomiphene) Effective to Increase Testosterone, Fertility and Sperm Volume?

I am trying to save many of you time in searching important information in key posts. Here is a list of good posts related...