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Depositphotos 36760053 m 2015

Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Herbal testosterone-boosting supplements: Are they effective? By Jerry Brainum Part 1 Subscribe to Jerry Brainum's newsletter: An example of a typical herbal-based testosterone-boosting supplement.I do not...
erectile dysfunction

Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone

From the book Testosterone: A Man's Guide Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone Many people either don’t trust big drug companies or they...
Depositphotos 162348910 m 2015

How to Convert mmol/L to mg/dl or pg/mL (or viceversa) of Different Hormones

Since we have members on this site that live outside the United States (where we use mg, pg, etc instead of mmol,micromoles, etc), we...
Depositphotos 175240310 m 2015

US State Regulations on Testosterone and HCG

Click Each State to View Its Rules & Regulations Related to Testosterone and HCG. Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance in all states. HCG...
Depositphotos 5179327 m 2015

How to Decrease HIV Related Belly Fat Accumulation

Decreasing HIV Related Belly Fat Accumulation In the mid-90s with the advent of the first antiretroviral (AVR) drug combination therapies, Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) lesions and...