ExcelMale.com Meal Plan

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ExcelMale.com Maintenance Meal Plan


-7am: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 oz of smoked salmon, 1/2 avocado, 1 small serving of berries.
-11am: Kale Salad w/ 5 oz of shaved turkey or chicken breast, w/ avocado, almonds and EVOO/mustard vinaigrette (substitute any lean meat or fish as well as any greens you prefer)
-3pm: One small handful of pistachios (1 cup)
-7pm: 6oz steak, grilled/steamed asparagus, butter lettuce salad with Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Balsamic Vinegar dressing.


-7am: 2 eggs with feta cheese, a cup of black rice (or steel cut oats) and 1/4 avocado
-12pm: 1 can of tuna in olive oil with roasted vegetables with salad and olive oil/vinegar dressing
– 3pm- A handful of mixed nuts or whey protein (30 grams) (I like Isopure)
-6pm: Roasted 1/2 Chicken with Acorn Squash and cinnamon (or a microwaved sweet potato with yogurt topping)


-7am: Basically the breakfast is almost always the same, (eggs prepared any way prefer or variable protein, healthy fat source and small amount of seasonal fruit)
-11am: Bison or Tuna Burger patty over kale salad with avocado, no bun
-3pm: Healthy Snack (i.e, nuts/seeds, small serving of lean meat/ natural beef jerky) or whey protein.
-7pm: 6oz Roasted Rack of Lamb, roasted squash, onions, mushrooms, and salad with EVOO oil and mustard vinaigrette (you can substitute lamb for lean meat/fish/poultry)


-7am: Sweet Potato with 2 Over Easy eggs and fruit. Or bowl of steel cut oatmeal with 2% Greek yogurt and nuts/berries.
-12pm: 6 Wings (Baked) and 1/2 Turkey & Avocado salad.
-3pm: Other half of salad from lunch or whey protein.
-7pm: 6-8 oz of Pork Tenderloin, 2 cups of vegetables with big salad and EVOO/Vin (or black rice or sweet potato)


-7am: Breakfast
-11am: Tuna salad w/ onion, celery, apple, mustard vinaigrette , EVOO and avocado
-3pm: (snack) rest of Tuna salad or whey protein or mixed nuts
-7pm (Cheat night) Go for it, although no dessert!


-7am: 2 Hard Boiled or scrambled eggs, handful grapes , or 3 high protein pancakes (see this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siJ6yH7Ox_4 )
-10am: nuts, cup of 2% fat Greek yogurt, or whey protein.
-2pm: Burger patty with mushrooms and red onions and large salad + avocado (no bun)
-7pm: 6oz Filet with roasted veg (1 glass red wine). You can cheat a little.


-9am: Similar Breakfast to Saturday
-1pm: Cheat meal. Go for it!!
-6pm: Grilled marinated chicken breast over large bowl of greens
Large piece of baked salmon plus steamed vegetables
Carnitas (shredded pork) in butter lettuce wraps plus black rice or black beans.

Healthy Eating Shopping List

1. Produce
· Spinach and other green leafy vegetables
· Broccoli and cabbage
· Green beans
· Avocados
· Raspberries and all berries. You can buy frozen ones and add to whey protein shakes
· Whole fruits (remember no juices).
· Sweet potatoes, carrots
· Hummus
· Beans and other legumes (you can buy canned or frozen ones)

2. Nuts, Grains, Oil
· Mix of almonds and other nuts
· Peanut, almond, and cashew butters without hydrogenated oil (the healthy nut butters show oil and butter separated since the lack of hydrogenated oils prevents emulsification)
· Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
· Wild rice (the darker the rice, the better)
· Whole grain breads and pasta
· High fiber crackers
· Oatmeal (not the little packets; those are loaded with sugars)

· Olive oil

3. Dairy
· Low fat milk, cheese
· Yogurt (Greek style, no sugar added)
· Eggs (free range or Omega 3 enriched if possible)

4. Meat
· Lean meats
· Salmon, sardines and tuna
· Occasional glass of red wine per day (optional)

5. Supplements
· Whey protein (I like the Isopure brand since it does not give me gut problems and it is very light)
· Vitamin D (5000 IU per day)
· A multivitamin (Super Nutrition’s Super Blend)
· NAC (600 mg twice per day)
-Coenzyme Q-10 100-200 mg twice per day

VIDEO: Click Here


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